Radio Scraper

Plays // Stats // Artists
Time Radio Artist Title
19.02.2022 @ 06:34 HRT3 Wilfred Brown: Od svih ptica koje znam (of all the birds that i know)
19.02.2022 @ 06:32 HRT3 Wilfred Brown: Kada se laura smiješi ( when laura smiles )
19.02.2022 @ 06:17 HRT3 Wilfred Brown: Pjesnik-seljak ( the peasant poet )
19.02.2022 @ 06:14 HRT3 Wilfred Brown: Spavaj, slatka muzo ( go to bed sweet muse )
19.02.2022 @ 06:11 HRT3 Wilfred Brown: Ne marim za ove gospođe ( i care not for these ladies )
13.02.2019 @ 06:10 HRT3 Wilfred Brown: Od svih ptica koje znam (of all the birds that i know)